5 Conversations

smiley - ghost^-^DARKLING ~ Meeting PaRlOuRssmiley - ghost

Heylllooooooo Folks!!

Welcome to ^-^DARKLING MeEtInG PaRlOuRs..... the place for the Alt. Community , and soon the open minded, to be themselves in the freedom of H2G2.....

The Rooms

smiley - zenThe ChIlAbOuT HaNgAbOuT ~ The chillout paradisial relaxiation room

smiley - musicalnoteThe StUdIo ~ A studio and musical decored chrome styled haven

smiley - vampireSiMpLy DeAd ~GoThIc Room~as it says, gothic decored style grand lobby

smiley - devil^-^ClArIfIcErS ExOtIc DaRk RoOm ~ My own dream room, richly decored in velvets and silks...

smiley - okThe WIIIILLLLDDD Room ~ Only one rule.... freak out!! lol

Abuse is not tolerated in any of the rooms, it should be fun and respectfull for all. If you have a problem or issue, please leave a messsage on the problems page or e-mail if u feel thats more appropriate

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