My Solution for the Constitution

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I think that some of the Executive powers could be taken out of the Royal Perogative and formally transferred to the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister also could be elected by a 100 member National Executive elected on a one group list system on an Alternative Vote System thus removing the need for a Head of State to appoint the PM. Perhaps people could even be allowed to be on multiple lists so that alternatives could be presented - for example the Conservative Party could be one entry and the Liberal Democrats another, but the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats could have another entry that was a shared list with seats agreed beforehand and there could be ones with Labour as one entry or if they so chose Labour as part of a National Coalition entry and that way for the first time (it has certainly been talked about in the past) if people wanted they would have the option of voting for a hung system - the votes lower down would be redistributed until at least one entry had 50% or more and the lead entry would then win all seats. Obviously there would have to be a hefty deposit such as £100,000 with any grouping getting less than 5% losing their deposit.

The monarchy could be abolished and replaced with what mainly would be a Head of State in name only who would be either selected by the Privy Council and could be removed by them and replaced at any time on a majority vote, really Scotland, Wales, England and Ulster (maybe Scotland and Ulster could have a joint one) should all have some kind of King and Queen as sort of sub-royalty (selected by national Privy Councils in those areas) who would have to be from those areas and would represent them and a system for selecting the Head of the Commonwealth would have to be established that allowed for some say for the other nations in the Commonwealth.

Really Antrim should be incorporated into Scotland and majority Roman Catholic border areas with Eire in Ulster transferred to Eire and then gradually the rest of Ulster split between Scotland and Eire.

The Scottish Parliament, Welsh Parliament and Northern Ireland Parliament should be scrapped and replaced with a bottom up system and England and Cornwall should have a similar system. There should be a single set of local councillors and these should sit as district\metropolitan councillors, County Councillors where applicable and the County Councils collectively should form a Council of England (except for Cornwall where Cornwall County Council would also be the Council of Cornwall), Council of Scotland, Council of Wales, Council of Ulster. The aim would be for there to be fewer councillors overall and councillors perhaps would get a salary as MP's currently do.

Parliament should be moved to Buxton and there would be a Single Chamber with 214 MP's directly elected on a Constituency Based Alternative Vote System (175 England, 20 Scotland, 13 Wales ,6 Ulster); 214 seats allocated to statutory appointees of local government; 214 positions that were statutorily appointed for people in business, industry, the Research Councils, the heads of the Police and Armed Forces, major organisations such as Network Rail, British Geological Survey, Universities and the Met Office; 214 MP's elected on a Regional List System similar to that currently used for electing MEP's and with a requirement for a minimum vote of 5% in any one Region to get any seats in that region. Also Gibraltar, the Falkland Islands, the Channel Islands, The Isle of Man would each have a seat and the Commonwealth would get 5 seats (method for electing these would have to be agreed within the Commonwealth) - 650 seats in total.

Elections of councillors would be on a rolling basis with a quarter of seats up for election every year; the constituency MP's could be elected for fixed 4 year terms as could the list MP's and these could be 2 years apart - the National Exercutive could be elected on a fixed 4 year term.

Parliament or The National Executive could initiate legislation but the National Executive could pass any legislation on a simple majority so long as it is not opposed by more than 80% of MP's and any measure passed over to the National Executive could be rejected by a simple majority of the Executive.

There would be recall systems with a minimum of 50% of signatories of people in the applicable area for that constituency and there could be such a requirement for a national recall also which could apply to the National Executive, constituency MP's as a whole or List MP's or all 3 groups.

Equally parliament could trigger an early election of the National Executive or of itself if 80% or more of it's members decided to do so.

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