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This week, Deus reviews 'Starship Titanic'.

Starship Titanic is a computer game created by Douglas Adams, author of 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' series. It was originally published in 1998, but I managed to finally get my hands on a copy.

The Story

Here's what happening- there's this majestic ship, called the Starship Titanic, which cannot possibly go wrong. It crashes into hyperspace and lands on your house, just as you are about to play the computer game of the same name. Your job- find the ship's missing parts, and steer her back home. All this, while enduring the squawks of a parrot. This is going to be hard...


Titanic's interface is easy to use. Point and click. Point and click. You also have a device called the PET (Personal Electronic Thing) which allows you to do many tasks on the ship, such as controlling the elevators, holding items, talking to robots, and shutting the parrot up1. The interface is very nicely done, although it can be a bit tricky.

The puzzles, on the other hand, are not only a bit tricky, but sometimes mind-boggling. Lucky for you, the robots are (usually) always there to help. All you have to do is get them in a happy mood. Sometimes, the hints aren't so subtle, especially the code to disarm the bomb. That phrase keeps coming up everywhere. But, for those who like a good puzzly adventure, Starship Titanic does not disappoint.

Graphics And Sound

Simply marvellous. The 3D graphics make you think you're actually on the ship, experiencing luxury at every corner (unless you're in 3rd class!). The robots are wonderfully animated, and are nicely designed.

The music and sound does not leave anything out, either. The music matches the graphics perfectly, and rarely gets annoying. Except in the 3rd class lobby, where the music is delightfully cheesy. It may get on your nerves, though, so upgrade quickly!


Overall, I think that Starship Titanic is a magnificent game. I recommend it to anyone who likes a good adventure, coupled with challenging puzzles. I give it a 9 out of 10, deducted a point only because the puzzles can be a bit too hard for the average gamer. Starship Titanic can be found on Amazon and eBay last time I checked.

The Deus Ex Machina Archive

Deus Ex Machina
28.08.03 Front Page
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1Yes, you can!

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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