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<P><SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/></P>

<P>This is me:</P>

<P><LINK NAME="My Photo" HREF="" POPUP="1">Click Here</LINK>.</P>

<P>If that one doesn't work, try this one... Not as "artistic" but what the hey:</P>

<P><LINK NAME="Another Photo of Me" HREF="" POPUP="1">Click Here</LINK></P>

<P>In real life, I am a researcher.... history research to do with Indian Residential Schools. The work I do, I feel, in some way helps heal the terrible wounds suffered by generations of Native Peoples in Canada by the Residential School system.</P>

<P>I am a Unitarian. I belong to a small, but growing <LINK NAME="Fellowship" HREF="" POPUP="1">Fellowship</LINK>. The niche I have found for myself in that community is as the Music Coordinator. Since we are such a small Fellowship , only 90 people or so, we don't have a choir. We rely on recorded music. I can't sing my way out of a wet paper bag, but I take great pride in providing an excellent recorded music program for the Sunday Services, a job I share with one other member.</P>

<P>I really enjoy World Music, but also like almost any other music, with the exception of Rap and Hip Hop... (though confess, I have decided I like Eminem). I will probably share some of my music here, once I figure out how.</P>

<P><LINK NAME="Coronation Street" HREF="" POPUP="1">Coronation Street</LINK> is my only vice.... I can give it up any time, though... I swear. I chat on #coro_street with the nickname Mudhooks.</P>

<P>I plan to train as a Doula. A Doula is someone who helps a woman during childbirth... not a midwife. The word comes from the Greek for "mother's helper". The Doula does everything from answering the door to massage to coaching to post-natal help, depending on the needs of the client. Ever since helping with the delivery of a friend's baby (now 3) I have wanted to be a Doula. However, divorce interrupted my plans and it will have to wait.</P>

<P>I am happy, growing as a person, and doing what I want to do at my own pace.</P>

<P>Welcome to my space!</P>

<P><SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/></P>

<P>I support <LINK NAME="Child Haven International" HREF="" POPUP="1">Child Haven International</LINK>:
You can email me at: <LINK NAME="My E-Mail" HREF="mailto:annekem@go/hat/" POPUP="1">(take off the /hat/)</LINK></P>

<P><SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/></P>

<P>Places I frequent on H2G2.....</P>

<P>Researchers From Ottawa:</P>

<P><SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/><LINK H2G2="A799914">Researchers from Ottawa</LINK></P>

<TABLE ALIGN="RIGHT"><TR><TD><CENTER>This Award is Presented to</CENTER></TD></TR>
<TR><TD><CENTER>Mudhooks, HNM, "Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati" (When all else fails, play dead)</CENTER></TD></TR>
<TR><TD><CENTER>On the Occasion for Recieving an Award for</CENTER></TD></TR>
<TR><TD><CENTER>Having a Personal Space Roughly the Same Length as My Own</CENTER></TD></TR>
<TR><TD><CENTER>on this, the Twenty-Second of August, Two-Thousand and Three.</CENTER></TD></TR>
<TR><TD><CENTER><BR/>Presented by the undersigned;</CENTER></TD></TR>
<TR><TD><CENTER>Presently, Chairman of the H2G2 Awards Council</CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE>


<P><SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/> <SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/></P>

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