Created | Updated Sep 11, 2004
On to my results then:
General studies - Unclassified
Well i told my form tutor that it was a waste of time and i was right. I really tried in the exam (yeh like hell i did). And when the opportunity to say that my favorite political leaders of all time were Josep Stalin and Adolf Hitler who am i to say no!
Psychology - E
Well i blame this one on my tutor, George Contos. I've never met a teacher whos been unwilling to help his or her student, even just a little; until i met him. He's the most annoying...(censored for BBC)... person i've ever met, and i put up with him for a year. Now he can gets his corpus collosum and shove it where the sun dont shine!
English literature - C
Thats more like it! looking at the break down i got a D and two B's in the examination so i didn't do so badly. Joining the group half way through the course and still getting a C i'm quite proud of myself and i reckon i'll get a B next year because were not studying Jane Eyre. Then again, were studying ye olde english in the form of Chaucer so maybe not.
English Language - C
Well, never mind. I was hoping for a B so i could do a joint Media and English course. Still it's not bad for someone who's spelling used to look like ye olde english writen by someone with bad vision. I'll try for the B as i'm not so far off points wise, but i dont think i'll get it.
Media - A
No one around me realises just how important this grade is to me. Firstly, its the only A in this little group. secondly, its the only A i've ever got for anything. And thirdly, it proves me right. For my practical, a two minute introduction to a thriller i worked alone. I wrote the script, i filmed most of it, a even starred in it for gods sake! The only person in all the AS Media groups at my college who did. They said it wouldn't work, they said i was wrong and foolish, they said i would fail. Bah! Fail! i neveer fail and i beat you all! Editing is something i really enjoy doing because its the third link in the chain. The writer has the vision, the director films has to interpretate the vision (usually changing it to suit himself), and the editor has to be true to both the writer and director and create the film itself. My Media course was taken as a fill in lesson, one to make up the numbers, but now i'm seriously considering going into it as a profession. I loved putting sound to the film i created as it was the last thing i did and it is probibly this which has led me to buy lots of soundtracks. I loved creating the film itself and i can't wait till i start my next practical in media.
Question is what do i do this time? A TV programme (in a similar vain to jackass and trigger happy tv) something that me and a group of friends planned to do nearly three years ago, or a music video (which most people do)and take advantage of my love for sound editing?
A-level results
Media - B
Okay not as great as once i thought but still pretty good. Im not happy with my work over all this year in pretty much all my subjects but hey, thats life
English language and literatire D