How Not to Annoy Others in the Library

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This is a draft that will be radically altered before submission, but suggestions are welcomedLibrary books on a shelf
Libraries are no longer simply stodgy puddles of quiet where the books must not be disturbed.

Nowadays they include computer terminals, where kids can do homework, surf the internet or even play games. There are public talks, noisy kids activities that are deliberately planned and encouraged by staff, not to mention cellphones.

These developments mean a new form of etiquette needs to be observed by all users - things that were previously taboo are now encouraged, while other behaviours are really a bit beyond the pale. Hopefully this Guide Entry will help provide some pointers to peaceful co-existence with your fellow library-users.

Now Acceptable

To a large extent what is ok depends on the ago of the library staff and patrons - predominantly older staff and users will demand an adherence to the old-school approach. But with councils now wanting to encourage "lifelong learning" children are being actively encouraged into libraries and this is a large driver of the changes in attitude.

Some things which once might have seen you thwacked on the hand with a ruler but are now seen as less sinful that white lies include:
A graphic novel
  • talking - you don't even really need to whisper, although that's probably nice
  • asking questions - librarians now shouldn't frown or stare at you over their lowered glasses
  • reading "comics" - and not just for kids - graphic novels are not the enathema they once were and often live in the fiction section under GRA


The acceptance of these practices will vary from system to system, and possibly even from site to site. Safest to wait until you see someone else do it first are:
  • answering your cellphone or text messaging - in some libraries (particularly university ones) even having it on is a fineable offence (although the ability to fine is probably legally dodgy) - in others it isn't really a problem, but you should never take part in a loud conversation, especially next to the elderly who will most definitely purse their lips
  • running around - might be ok in the kids' section, if you are under 15, but don't try it in large print unless you want walking sticks shaken at you
  • eating and drinking - basically this is still unacceptable, especially in institutions with rare books which might be damaged by sticky fingers, drink spills and the like, but most libraries put out bins, recognising that people are going to break the rule. Many libraries now even provide water fountains and don't mind water bottles, although other forms of drinks are generally not tolerated. Just please don't bring anything messy or smelly!

Still a no-no

There are some things that will probably never be acceptable in libraries. Among them are:
  • yelling - unless there's a fire really
  • abusing librarians - although i must declare my self-interest as a staff member - whatever it is, it's not our fault!
  • stealing or damaging books - yes it happens - try to think of the books as something everyone owns in your city/district/school, not just you!

Things Librarians Find Really Irritating

The librarian is an important gate-keeper of information. Enrage them at your peril! Even the meekest of our number can turn into a raging dragon, or at least be less than helpful when you have a looming deadline, if provoked.
A pink and gold dragon on an inkpot
  • asking for that book, by that woman, with the blue cover, you know the one, it was on the radio, no i can't remember the author, the title, or which radio station, why don't you know where it is? what the hell am i paying my rates/taxes/school fees for if you won't even help me? etc - that said, if you do have some clues about the book please do ask as we really are fonts of knowledge
  • insisting that you never return books late when you patently did, and in fact do so frequently
  • expressing your irritation when you haven't been notified about a book on hold or overdue fines because you have moved three times and not informed the library of your change of contact details
  • yelling at mothers with screaming children - gee that really helps, two babies making unnecessary noise - at least you have some control over your own noise production!
  • hiding books under shelves or deliberately putting them in the wrong place so that you, and only you, can get them out later - very inconsiderate and against the whole ethos of public libraries - learn to share!
  • complaining to us about the behaviour of the council/government/school board - we'd probably love to join in, but we generally have to sign away our right to do so when we start our jobs
  • make racist/sexist/generally intolerant comments - you know full well that we can't really reply without fear of being reprimanded by our boss, although we will snigger about you behind your back

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