Pizza Hut - The Game

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Pizza Hut restaurants offer a promotion every weekday from 12 noon till 5pm called "The Buffet" - basically all you can eat. There is also the "Ice Cream Factory" which is all you can eat ice cream. To play this game you will need to turn up at a Pizza Hut restaurant between these times. People wishing to partake in the game need to order a buffet meal.

Purpose of the Game

The purpose of the game is to eat more than the other players without vomiting. You score points depending on what you eat during the meal.


To play you will need:
  • A pen (This can be borrowed from the waitress at a push)
  • Some paper for the scorecard (A napkin, provided, works fine)
  • At least £6 (To pay for the meal)


  • For every slice of pizza, score 1 point.
  • For every helping of salad or pasta, score one point.
  • Score 1 point for every two garlic sticks.
  • Score 2 points for every bowl of Ice Cream from the Ice Cream Factory.
  • Anyone that leaves the restaurant without stains on their shirts gains a bonus point.
  • 10 points is a respectable score.


  • If you vomit, you forfeit the game
  • Players should agree on the size of a "portion" of salad or pasta before the game begins. Ideally it should cover about as much space on the plate as a slice of a regular slice of pizza. Any disputes should be settled maturely i.e. the first person to eat a whole slice of pizza is right.
  • Some slices of pizza are smaller than others. This is bound to happen and it can be considered the skill of the player to hunt out these smaller slices so as to get more points per amount of food.
  • You must tip the waitress at the end of the meal

The Prize

The prize for winning should be arranged before the game begins. It could be simply the fact that you win, or it could be a fiscal prize, such as the loosers paying for your meal (or the subsequent stomach pump)

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