Data Storage

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Need somewhere to dump your stuff?
Feel like doing this sometimes?
That's where The Data Skip can help!

After writing a few Guide Entries, I began to realise that some of the pictures I'd referenced were on sites that were a bit 'wobbly'. Either the sites were full of advertising or appeared to be on valve-driven servers, taking ages for the data to load.

So I decided to set up a website of my own called dataskip. If you go and look, there's not much to see - but that's the whole point. Behind the scenes there is a big chunk of storage space and a whole lot of bandwidth waiting to be utilised.

I'm never going to fill it myself, but I see no reason for other Researchers not to help! So, if you've got a need to store things that you want to link to from h2g2, let me know. If you click here, you'll see how it works.

That's a link in one of my Guide Entries. Note the domain name references h2g2, and the URL shows your user number. Clever isn't it?

I can't offer this to everybody, so I've decided to make it available to anyone who has at least ONE Entry in the Edited Guide. It doesn't have to be used purely for Guide Entry stuff, you could link to pictures from your journal or in conversations. The only limit is your imagination!

You'll need an understanding of FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and an FTP client to upload your stuff. There will be a limit on how much you can dump (ie, you can't fill above the load-line) and, obviously, what you put there must be your own work or something that you have permission to use.

Leave a message below if you want to use the skip. I'll need your U Number and a password of your choice, but DON'T post those details on h2g2. Instead, click here to send an email. It's completely free and available now.

Just remember...

  • No fires in the skip
  • Do not fill above the load-line
  • No batteries, tyres or oils
  • No fridges

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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