The NAH bar food menu

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smiley - hotdog Hotdog. served with chips or, either peas and beans.
smiley - burger Burger, veggie burger or cheese burger and chips served with either beans or peas.
smiley - corncob Corn on the cob. served with vegtables of your choice coleslaw or beans.
smiley - cake Cake. Chocolate, sponge/ jam sponge, fairy cakes.
smiley - cheesecake Cheesecake. Chocolate, strawberry, bannana or orange.
smiley - donut Donuts. 5 mini donuts or 1 ringed donut with either chocolate or strawberry sauce.
smiley - popcorn Popcorn. Plain, toffe or blueberry flavour.
smiley - strawberries Strawberries with or without cream.
smiley - crisps Crisps. Flavours include; cheese and onion, prawn cocktail, salt and vinegar, BBQ beef, ready salted or smokey bacon.
smiley - flan Flan.
smiley - porkpie Porkpie.
smiley - toffeeapple Toffeeapple.
smiley - choc Chocolate. Milk, dark or white.
If you would like to order any food please leave your order at the bottom and we will serve you as soon as we can! Thank you!
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