The M62 motorway

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Largest car park in the North of England (Planet Earth) [cf. M25]. Constructed ostensibly as a motorway in the late 20th Century by small groups of a rare breed known as diggers, recognisable by their conspicuous yellow outer skin, which they often shed and display, some think as a mating lure, on the parcel shelf of the Ford Sierra (a distant descendant of Ford Prefect and hybrid of the Sierra Nevada (qqv)).
At the extremities of the M62 are the cities of Leeds and Liverpool (more famously joined by the eponymous canal (qv)).
Between them is the Slough of Despond (aka Manchester, the home of a famous sporting club which never really got a chance to show its potential, hence the popular name Manchester Untried).
Recent research suggests that Manchester itself may have been invented by the inhabitants of Rochdale solely for the purpose of preventing migration between the two more prestigious cities mentioned above.

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