Why go to a church to worship?

2 Conversations

Why do people go to church, when surly the great outdoors (I know that its an incredibly bad cliché but still), is a much better place to worship any creator, as after all, if such a thing exists, then it’s the great outdoors that “it” made, and not some old building with a leaky roof. Someone once remarked that any landscape or scene that was entirely natural was indeed truly beautiful, and it is not until you see something which man has made, does it then become ugly. Man has yet to make anything, which has a hope, of being anything like, as wondrous, as breathtaking, or as spectacular as some of the images, which are to be found within the natural world. Just take for instance the Grand Canyon, or the Great Barrier Reef, or for that matter just about any mountain that you can think of; there are countless of places, which have such majesty, that man could not possibly hope to compete against. People may well be able in time be able to build skyscrapers which can go miles up into the heavens, or build colossal monuments, to celebrate how clever we think we are, but for shear unadulterated beauty, nature will always have us beat. For this reason and this alone, I think that churches should be abandoned as places of worship, as surely there are better places than them to be found to celebrate an “all mighty”. I won’t go into my own personal religious beliefs, (as I am rather agnostic in my opinions), but I would have thought that someone who did have strong beliefs would see much stronger than I do, that outside worship would be a better way to go, wherever possible.

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