Here is something I have noticed....

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There are always things that are going to bug you in this world and probably in any other world you may happen to come upon, and right now my computer is one of them ( no offense to it). I have played the Starship Titanic game, completed it in fact, actually we bought this computer in order to play the game as my fiance's aunt had given it to him as a birthday present and the p.o.s. computer we had was not even close to running it....but I digress. So game runs, I finish game, wait for several months, decide to check out game again. Game will no longer work......hmmmmmmmm. So I try to remove game from desktop and reload....nothing doin. Order new copy of game, still doesn't work, which reminds me, if anyone is looking for a copy of Starship Titanic I have an extra, but since you probably live very far away it would be hard for me to give it to you, but I digress again. Now I know it isn't the game but my computer. Therefore I am annoyed with the computer and am afraid of being forced to buy yet another one in order to play the game, again! Modern technology.........I think I was better off with my word processor.......

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