Internet Comics

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Oh yeah, Internet Comics. If they haven't already swamped the comic industry they soon will.

Okay, more to the point. Internet Comics are an interesting breed of technology taking over, or at least adding to, the many industries of the world. They are simply comics that are found on the internet. They can come in single daily strips ("Little Gamers"), a comic every few days ("Mac Hall") or in a continuing story with a page like a comic book that's released roughly every three days ("Megatokyo"). There are hundreds of them out there. And most are free!

Internet comics are easy to read and generally comical. They can encompass hundreds of subjects and last years on end. If you pay attention and update regularly they can become very compelling and enticing. If you've ever read comic books you know what I'm talking about. Thrilling as a novel and, if you get a good one, they are stunning to the eye.

This subject doesn't go very deep so I'll tell you all about the setup of the various websites and introduce you to some "Lingo".

Most of the sites will have the newest comic on the front page so when you get there you are immediately greeted by the fresh stuff.
The page will usually have a "Next" and "Previous" buttons and in some cases they'll have a "First" and "Newest" button. These are for quicker reading of the sites.
They'll usually have a section for "rants". This is the author of the comic and/or his various supporters and helpers talking about what's new in their life and what's happening with the comic. Basically it's the site news.
They'll usually have links to other sites that they like or that have paid for them to put them on.

Well, I suppose this really isn't an article, nor is it really that much information. Just an explanation of a great new type of entertainment media that I think anyone could enjoy. Plus, nobody has written anything on them so I figured I'd put a little something down. Well I'm gonna do some research on this for the next couple days and revise this into a more "proper" article in about two or three days.

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