Kirkenes, Norway

2 Conversations

Kirkenes is a quite dull place. Or if you are Dutch you would call it suf. But you wont be Dutch and in Kirkenes at the same time. If you are you won't admit it.

This is Why: Kirkenes is an ugly town, very ugly. But eventhough i can explain why. First of all, near by Kirkenes, there's an iron ore mine. Of course you would say, mines are never beautiful. But!... the iron ore mine closed down almost 10 years ago. What nice you would think, then i don't have to care about that. thats SO WRONG! there are two reasons why:

1. They have done nothing with the old buildings for iron production and so on, and after 10 years with nobody fixing them, they are of course even uglier

2. Since there where so many unemployed after the mine closed the state funded a new dock. It's placed in the middle of the centrum of Kirkenes. A dock where you can have boats inside is rather ugly.

There are more reasons why Kirkenes is ugly. During WW2 the town was totally destroyed during the fights of German and Sovjet troops, so they had to remake it in a hurry......We all know how things that are made in a hurry looks like...

and finally there's a small island beside Kirkenes, they've filled the sea between the island and the mainland with, rocks, nobody knows the reason..anyway that is REALLY UGLY

There are 4 positive things about Kirkenes:

1. The E6, am main road starting in Rome ends in Kirkenes. (The people living in Kirkenes (yes there are some!) will of course tell you that E6 starts in Kirkenes, and end in Rome)

2. The Norwegian coastal steamer (Hurtigruta) ends its way from Bergen inKirkenes and returns. (Again the people living in Kirkenes claim that it starts in Kirkenes)

3. You can catch a plane from Kirkenes to capital Oslo, or Region capital Tromsø. (odd, but true; the inhabitants won't claim the planes on their way from Oslo to Kirkenes to be on their way from Kirkenes to Oslo)

4. You can catch a bus to Russian neighbour town of Nikel from there you can catch a train To Vladivostok (Nearby Japan)

All together this means that its very easy to leave Kirkenes, which is an ugly town, but not that bad after all, you always know that; i can have a Pizza at Ritz, and after that I'll fgure out where I wanna go; Oslo, Tromsø or Bergen? or Maybe Moscow or Vladivodstok. Its your choise. Just keep in mind that the Pizza at Ritz is so expencive that you might not afford a ticket afterwards......

Ps: Kirkenes has about 5000inhabitants, and is quite extrordinary in one way, besides the uglieness, its a town in North-Norway without Fishindustry...

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