There are a few "People" if you can call them that, that are repulsive,ignorant,dumb and smelly. They are pressing and if they get into your house it`s almost impossible to get them to leave. I only know of one "Elg" and he is known as "Lars Egil", he is most gross thing i have ever seen. This abomination always brags of the defenceless creatures he has slain. If he was in charge the world whould consatntly be at war. He would destroy everything, then get someone to build it up again , so that he could smash it over and over again. Despite their destructive nature their quite peaceful and qurious, as long as you don`t give them power over people. Their lust for power overcomes everything else. Always make sure that they have left the house. I saw one of them eavesdropping on my parents, when I confronted him he only said, "Godbye Nobody, me go now!".
Although elgs are disgusting and smelly they alsoe have a softer side. They tend to get turned on by strong females. They have the ability to think logic, and a strong girlfriend means respect in their ranks. They often use a crude sign-language to describe their experience of havoc and destructions. He whould rip somewhones kidneys out then inflate them and use them as party-ballons. The more bloddyer the better. Their love for blood and gore goes way beond our understanding. Some belive that it turns them on, but I choose to belive that they are just plainly stupid and without emotions.
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