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Knäckebrøt is a breakfast-thingy from Sweden. It is said to be high in fibres. What I wanted to know is what kind of fibre? Because they don't tell you on the pack.

After inserting one of these things in my mouth I first had to consume large amounts of liquids before I was able to swallow. By the time the last piece of breakfast-thingy had left my mouth I had a pretty good idea what kind of fibre it was. Well I should have known better, trying out a breakfast-thingy from a country probably most well known for it's trees.

My findings were acknowledged when I visited a DIY-Store, and saw what appeared to be really oversized Swedish breakfast-thingies, but they were according to the guy working there not the same thing. He claimed that these things in his store were made of compressed wood-chips, and generally used for construction rather than consumption. After a small bite I concluded that the composition of Swedish breakfast-thingies is remarkable similar to these large oblong wood-chip objects in the DIY-store. So I don't know what this DIY-guy was on about.

Whilst researching Knäckebrøt I also discovered a new drink. They sell it at DIY-Stores and it is great for getting Swedish breakfast-thingy fibres out of your mouth. It's called "Sink unclogger". It doesn't taste real special but it does work very well!

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