The Elements: Lithium
Created | Updated Aug 16, 2005
Lithium belongs to the special group of elements called the alkali metals, these metals react vigourously with water, the faster the reaction occurring the further down the table of elemnts you go, ending with francium which is, frankly, dangerous.
Lithium's past uses culminates in a lower number than 1 and hgher than -1. Since the metal is extremely reactive it has mostly only been found in trace amounts in rocks, and because it can react even with the moisture in the air, it has been unextractable until late.
Lithium's current major use is in alkaline batteries. This seems to be the only use, apart from the wonderful demonstrations you may get in your chemistry classes.
Lithium is most abundantly found in rocks, and even then it is only found in trace amounts. Lithium is a rare element and it is costly to extract.
That's it for Lithium, join us next time (maybe tomorrow maybe not) fror the next great element: Beryllium!
*Room tempreature is considered as being 37 degrees centigrade and room pressure is considered to be 1 Atmos.