Free videao and dvd's from BlockBuster..

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Free DVDS from Blockbuster
by Chris

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What you do - find a way around those little yellow tabs that stop you from opening the dvd cases in blockbuster. They keep the dvds inside.. so get to them the fun way.

What you need - one large (the small ones will bend) safety pin, a buddy, and some free time.

Procedure - Go into blockbuster with anywhere between two or five movies in mind that you want to steal (if you're going to steal, steal alot. You're a theif either way).. slowly make your way around the store, picking up the movies you want.. reading the back.. laughing about the movie and just chit chatting.. to look casual. then kneel down to look at a movie on the bottom shelf.. and have your friend stand there talking to you, with his back to the front desk, blocking their view of you. ALWAYS do this.. dont take any chances. (Note - dont do this in the isles that are directly in front of the counter, because it will look suspicious to the people working there and they will ask you if you need any help, always be in the random comedy isles near the corners, but not exactly in the corners of the store) Take out the safety pin, and unclasp it, so that the point is out. Take the point, and run it down the opposite side of the locked side of the case two or three times, cutting through the paper and plastic covering, revealing the black case. (Note - do this in quick yet quiet hand movements so as to not make the paper rip and to have it done quickly) Then, take the point again and run it down the crease on the back where the case folds when it opens. Not the little solid half an inch black piece that hold the two flaps together, but the crease that holds the flap and in in between plastic together. This is where the case ACTUALLY BENDS. Run the point down there about 5 times, untill it comes apart. Then just open the case, check the dvd for any metal alarm detector things that will foil your plan, and pop it in your pocket. BUT before you leave, take the now useless case, and pop it behind one of those old movies that nobody ever rents, and somewhat put it back together so it doesnt look like its been tampered with. Now leave.. still talking to your friend.. dont look suspcious.. Have fun with the free movies =)

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