How to Write a Paper

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Writing a good research paper is difficult, but breaking it down into smaller pieces can help you.

Choose a topic that is narrow enough to be manageable but broad enough to be interesting.

Look for your sources. Begin with two or three, check their bibliographies for additional sources, and keep going until you have enough material to work with.

Keep one index card for each source. Write the bibliographic information for the source on its index card, and give each card a number for ease of future reference.

Take reading notes on index cards. Only write down the material that is most relevant to your project. Write the source number one each card.

Have your index cards organized by topic and subtopic.

Use your cards as the basis for an outline.

Create an introduction that will grab the reader and plot out the trajectory of your argument.

Make the body of the paper follow the structure you created in your outline. Be sure to site sources.

Make the conclusion a review of how you've made your points.

Think about the title after you've written the paper, not before. You don't want the content of the paper to be attached to an inapporpriate title.

Read over your paper at least twice to make sure your argument is presented logically and makes sense.

Proofread your work carefully. Teachers hate typographical errors. Make sure you use your word processor's spelling checker, but don't relly on it completely.

Don't let the size of the project worry you. Just stay focused on each small part of the task, and remember that if you do this well, you'll end up with a good research paper.

Use some bibliography software to help you manage your sources. Look at a style guide, like the MLA (Modern Language Association) style manual, for details on the citation of your sources.

Think about taking a class on writing research papers.

Don't wait until the last minute to accomplish this difficult task. Try to start early and work gradually.

Don't forget to site your sources whenever you use an idea from someone else.

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