Attempt to write a journal morphing into a critical and cynical observation of people writing journals.

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This is one of my coutless attempts to start a journal.
I know this is going to be left unfinished (barely started), but, as I do every time, I have a feeling about this one, and I am still hoping this might be the one, the successful one.
I usually try to "snazz" my journal up and make myself sound cool and happy 100% of the time, but I really do know that that is physically impossible.
I usually try to make my journal sound like those autobiographies of young adultsthat are a bit cynical, with black humor. I like those.
I always half-believe that when I've grown up or am dead, some people will be in my house looking at my life-long journal. No,actually, I'm usually still 14 and have died in an accident and my mum lets people (in orange costumes(weird brain I have)) looking around my stuff.
I realize by putting pen on paper, that I'm a bit cynical myself. There I go again thinking that I'm writing this for someone, like it'll be published or something. I guess I'd like that. I have to get it into my head that no-one cares!
Now, I'm wondering why people write these diaries; supposedly to make themselves feel better. Oh yeah! I remember Lisa Simpson writing "Dear Log", so it's obviously to make yourself believe you can talk to someone about your problems. But that would actually be symptoms of madness, leading to show that you are a loony.
This diary doesn't have to be entertaining, so I should be totally and utterly frank. That is a thing most people( I think )have problems to do. Take me, for example(teeheehee), I think I find it hard writing in total honesty because there are so many things I don't admit to myself. I bet that if I did write all of my miseries down, and someone were to come across this journal, they'd think I were depressed when actually, my life is pretty cool!
When people write these, they try to sound like the person they want to be, and want to sound well-balanced, though a diary is really for relieving yourself of emotions. Some do write horrid things, and so I come to the conclusion that diaries are full of crap ("quotes Bridget Jones")and do not reflect a person.or maybe in a deformed, unbalanced sort of way...

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