How to Outline a Paper

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Creating an outline helps you organize your paper's content in a sequential and logical way. Here are some basic tips.

Write the working title for your composition at the top of a blank sheet of paper. It doesn't need to be the one you're going to use for your final paper, something simple like "History Paper" or "Midterm Paper" will work.

Under your working title, write a few lines about the goal of the paper and the steps you'll take to achieve this goal.

After the summary, write a statement of your paper's thesis.

Divide the content into sections so you can lay down the basic framework for your paper.

Begin by writing either a Roman or Arabic numeral 1 (depending on the style of outline) followed by a period, and then the title of the section (or "section heading"). In a formal outline use Roman numerals; in an informal outline use Arabic numerals.

Write down a few lines that describe what you want to complete in the section.

Try to use subsections to list specific topics or examples that you wish to discuss under each heading. Mark them with a lowercase letter.

Use this format for each section heading, then put the sections in the following general order: introduction, body, conclusion.

You might want to write each section heading on a separate sheet of paper so you can give yourself room to brainstorm and take notes.

Keep in mind that a paper outline is juat a tool in the paper-writing process and it doesn't bind you to anything. You can change its format to suit your needs.

When you write your paper, refer back to the outline to make sure you're on the right track.

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