The Black Plague may Return!

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Nursery rhyme

Ring a ring of roses a pocket full of poses. Atisho, Atisho. We all fall down. Who would have thought that this harmless nursery rhyme was derived from the events that occurred when a very deadly disease known as the Black Death was ravaging through the world. (In it, the roses refer to the red spots and buboes and the poses were flowers that were used to disguise the smell, and ‘all fall down’ was the tragic end awaiting almost all plague victims.)


-Black Death commonly known as the plague

-The earliest recorded case was in Athens in 430 B.C

-Most remembered for the spread in 14th century Europe. (Death toll: 40%-50 %)

-It's caused by Pasteurella pestis (Yersinia pestis)

-Its transmitted from fleas, to rat, to people

-There are three types of the Black Plague- Bubonic, Septic, and

-The symptoms of all varieties were high fevers, chills, weakness, and enlarged lymph nodes

-In previous outbreaks, the plague had been impossible to stop, mainly due to the fact that the cause of it was unknown.

-In Medieval times it was attributed to any and all of the following:corrupted air and water, winds, proximity of swamps, lack of sunshine, excrement and other filth, decomposition of dead bodies,
excessive indulgence in foods, God’s wrath, and the conjunction of
the stars and planets.

Extra Info

This disease was very deadly, in fact, it was said that the victims of the plague, ate lunch with their friends and dinner with their ancestors in paradise. The black plague (black death) still appears occasionally in the modern world, but so far technology has successfully prevented its spread.

How historical information shows the plague may return

-In the 20th century infectious diseases that once appeared to be under control are breaking out all over the world.(Ex: Pneumonia,
meningitis )

-History shows that the plague bacillus never dies or disappears for good. (The plague visited europe in the 14th century and reoccured
frequently within the next century.)

Why the modern world is at risk

-Already, ten to 20 persons a yearare infected in rural areas of
Western United States alone

-Globally, one thousand to three thousand cases occur every year

-Endemic areas in the United States are California, Utah, Arizona,
Nevada, and New Mexico

-Modern technology has made it even easier for the plague to spread(Rapid international transportation,
disease resistance to medicines, insect resistance to
insecticides, and Medical complacency.)

-Treatment of the plague

a. A vaccine exists, but it's not very effective or efficent

b. People are unaware/unwilling to believe they are in danger

c. People have become depenant on antibiotics, which make bacteria
stronger and more resistant


Due to the background, history, and treatment of the black plague, it is quite probable a returning strand of this plague will destroy the world.


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