16-bit Computers and Consoles

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The birth of the 16 bit computers started in the mid-80's. The 2 main 16-bit computers where the Commodore Amiga and the Atari ST. The Amiga had the slight edge graphically, while the ST had superior sound and music. The first few years of the games released for these machines where mere remakes of old 8-bit titles with the only difference beign better graphics. But not all 16 bit titles where superior to the 8-bit titles. Chuckie Egg, for example, on the ST and Amiga had so much detail in the backgrounds that it was actually near impossible to see the eggs. In the early 90's, games where made for both machines that took advantage of their power. Best games include: Dizzy Series, Flight Simulators, Civilization, Theme Park, Pinball Dreams, Zool, Xenon 2, Cannon Fodder, Frontier 2, Robocop 3, Lotus, Prince of Persia, Another World, Flashback, Chuck Rock, Lemmings. The ST died out in 1993 while the Amiga died out in 1996. The reason the ST died out sooner was because it lacked support for game developers.

In 1990 the Sega Mega Drive was released, the first 16-bit console. Most of the Mega Drives first releases where conversions of Segas arcades. Sonic the Hedgehog took platform games to a new level. The Mega Drive had a dark side though. In the early 90's Sega released the Mega CD and 32X. Both upgraded the machine but they where so expensive that game developers weren't interested in producing games for the add-ons and then ultimately flopped. Sega quickly took these add-ons off the shelf and pretended that the whole thing never happened. Best games include: Golden Axe, Double Dragon, Streets of Rage 1 & 2, Sonic 1,2 & 3, Bomberman, Streetfighter 2 Special Edition, Mortal Kombat 1 & 2, Micro Machines, Street Racer, Colums, Space Harrier.

In 1991 Nintendo released the Snes, a 16-bit console which was superior to all other 16-bitters only one slight flaw, it had a slow proccessor to the Mega Drive meaning it would never have games run as fast as Sonic. Nintendos Super Mario World got a mild response. Mario Kart showed off the Snes' unique Mode 7, and actually became the best racing game for the machine. The great conversion of Streetfighter 2 is what really sold the Snes though. The Snes' last games where made in 1996, after which the 32-bit Playstation took over. Best games include: Super Mario World, Streetfighter 2, Mario Kart, Zelda, Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy 6, Mortal Kombat 2, Donkey Kong Country 1,2 & 3,

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