Sci fi Rhyming Slang

3 Conversations

If they cockneys can have rhyming slang and all they have to show for it are quick cameos in carry on films and austin powers aswell as a mildly intriguing "eastenders" soap why can't we, "the geeks" with many so many films have some? Feel free to message me some more ideas:

Jar-Jar Binks - Drinks
Luke Skywalker - good talker
Jean Luc Picard - It's gone hard
Death Star - car
Klingon - Ping Pong (table tennis)
Transporter - Cocaine snorter
Episode Twos - poos (Episode 1 can be used for pee as a derivation)
Starship enterprise - Lies (nice thighs)
Yoda - Skoda
Princess Leia - Up for it player
Ewok - Clock
Anakin - sin
Darth Vader - Dodgy Trader
Clones - diarhhoea (see earlier)

So for example one could say; "whilst having some jar-jars i was with a luke having a game of klingon when i had to go for a phantom menace when i saw a Princess with starships"

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