canabis and its effects on music!

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Can you describe your experiences of listening to music "on" canabis!

In my experience canabis enhances the detailed listening. You can hear more details. it is also possible to hear minimal intonation errors while recording music. But sometimes it makes things harder for me as a sound engineer, because I cannot resist the urge to correct every detail and it isnot time efficient. So i tried it once and immediately decided not to do it while recording. As for mixing, it is impossible for me to mix "on " canabis. I can hear details but i cannot hear the total sound properly and besides every change i make in the mix sounds great(which practically cannot be true). But as consumer of music i would strongly recommend you to listen to music on canabis.
I know this discussion has been made many times by people, it ismy first time doing it on the net. so if any opinions and experiences are availible I would love to "hear" them!


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