MaRc ThE WaLLy

1 Conversation

HeLLo there welcome to my WaLLy profile.

My WaLLy Profile

Name: MaRc

Age: 19

Town: Wolverhampton

D.O.B: 30/8/84

EyE Colour: Blue

Hair Colour: Brown

Star sign: Virgo

Music Taste: Rock and Hip Hop

Likes: Rock music, drinking, football, women, pizza, chinese food, horror films

Dislikes: Fake people, pop music, being sick lol, people who pick on my WaLLyS (Will Die).

Fav Band: KoRn

Fav Song: Somebody Someone- KoRn

Fav Movie(s): The Crow, Shawshank Redemption, Cradle of Fear, The Green Mile, Training Day and (don't laugh) Labryinth

Fav Sayings:

If you don't like me, bite me! (rick steiner)

If you don't like me f**k off and don't waste my time (Me)

Don't hate the player hate the game! (Booker T)

Victims! aren't we all!! (Brandon Lee in The Crow)

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