weapons of mass distructuion.(W.M.D.)
Created | Updated Jul 19, 2003
W.M.D.'s (Specifically genus Blastus Iraqius)like pixies, fairies and elves, may or may not exist within the common time space continuum, dependent on the perspective of the observer. Like sub quantum particless, they exist at one moment, or not, but might if you are lucky, dressed in pink and if the wind is blowing in the right direction.
The Blastus Iraqius (belived to be a sub species of the genus Politicus crediblis frightenus)has been known to appear in grainy video footage, vague hints from sociopathalogical men with moustaches, and in speeches by Tony Blair.
Not to be confused with the all to common Intercontinental Inasanityaburnup nuclearis (found predominantly in North America), the genus Blastus Iraqius seems as thin on the ground as unicorn droppings in central London.