Philosophy #1 - Causal Relationships

1 Conversation

To quote Hume, causal relationships are falatious arguments put forward by the weak minded fools who also delude themselves that 1+1=2. One can prove that, but it is also possible to prove that 1+1=3,4,5,6,7 or any other number you care to mention. This is the problem that people have today, any something that they are currently unaware of. To use a classic example, the fact that 1 billiard ball hitting another billiard ball and the second one moving has nothing to do with the first one hitting it. It just happens, that at that moment in time the billiard ball moved. You can't prove anything by repetition. By repeating the experiment a million times, there is no more evidence to suggest that the first one caused the second one to move that you didn't get the first time. This, however causes all sorts of interesting connutations for the rest of the universe.
For instance - all science now means nothing as science is all about prediction and knowledge, however, it seems that you now can't predict something anymore as causal relationships no longer exist.
It also gives us a new slant on mathematics. Since maths is designed around causal relastionships, then, if you remove them, there is nothing left. Since the only reason that 1+2=3 is that it did the last time you did it, then you have no proof. Therefor you can now look on maths as whatever you want. This means there are now infinite ways to look at the eternal answer 42. For instance, it could be the answer to the question 'What shall I have for lunch today', or 'Who will win the next General Election'.
My personal favourite is 'What will happen tomorrow?'
It seems that there is only one answer to this and it will only ever be explained by the application of the answer 42. (Or if you take into account the rounding error, then you get the answer 43, but that is assuming that rounding the answer in stage 478 of the process actually causes the answer to go up, and since we aren't, then it actually is still 42)

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