A Conversation for The loners bar: a.k.a the Cwm Inn
Anarchist in the U.K- I'm not a hippy, Its just a nickname Posted Aug 10, 2003
wazzup. Have a beer and a hose.
DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) Posted Aug 10, 2003
(. v .) hehe
-- DoctorMO --
DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) Posted Aug 12, 2003
how do they get it into tht shape then?
-- DoctorMO --
DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) Posted Aug 13, 2003
nice to hear... wibble.
DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) Posted Aug 13, 2003
Oh and it may be roudy in here but do you need to shout?
-- DoctorMO --
DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) Posted Aug 14, 2003
and burst everyones Caps Lock reading key?
-- DoctorMO --
LegersV007 Posted Aug 16, 2003
Come on Doc, juice won't get you anywhere. Alcohol on the other hand is bound to get you to the nearest bathroom at one point or another
LegersV007 Posted Aug 18, 2003
I'm an acception, If I won't ride in the car after partying I'll be the best looking man in the party
DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) Posted Aug 18, 2003
I don't get drunk and I still walk.
perhaps it's because I can't drive and know no one that does ...
-- DoctorMO --
LegersV007 Posted Aug 19, 2003
how come, my friend? Driving is the adrenalin (or at least some of it) and it substitutes bad habits.
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- 101: Anarchist in the U.K- I'm not a hippy, Its just a nickname (Aug 10, 2003)
- 102: ThE ReJeCtEd AnGeL (Aug 10, 2003)
- 103: DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) (Aug 10, 2003)
- 104: ThE ReJeCtEd AnGeL (Aug 10, 2003)
- 105: DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) (Aug 10, 2003)
- 106: LegersV007 (Aug 12, 2003)
- 107: DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) (Aug 12, 2003)
- 108: ThE ReJeCtEd AnGeL (Aug 13, 2003)
- 109: DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) (Aug 13, 2003)
- 110: ThE ReJeCtEd AnGeL (Aug 13, 2003)
- 111: DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) (Aug 13, 2003)
- 112: ThE ReJeCtEd AnGeL (Aug 13, 2003)
- 113: DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) (Aug 14, 2003)
- 114: Anarchist in the U.K- I'm not a hippy, Its just a nickname (Aug 14, 2003)
- 115: DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) (Aug 15, 2003)
- 116: LegersV007 (Aug 16, 2003)
- 117: DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) (Aug 16, 2003)
- 118: LegersV007 (Aug 18, 2003)
- 119: DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) (Aug 18, 2003)
- 120: LegersV007 (Aug 19, 2003)
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