The Entrants

2 Conversations

Character's Name: Craxus (U210828)
Strong area of magic: Conjuration
Weak area of magic: Potions
House: Slytherin (as the Head of the House)
Wand enchantment: Dragon Scale, with a mix of vampires blood
Pet: Balrog named Surefire

Character's Name: Tal Rasha (U210920)
Strong area of magic: Charms
Weak area of magic: Diviniation
House: Gryffindor (as the Head of the House)
Wand enchantment: silver and gold wood from /both/ of the trees of Valinor, with the pheonix and Thunderbird feathers imersed in water from the ent-wash and blessed by Osse.
Pet: magical Eagle named Imperator

Character's Name: Mystrunner. (U173132)
Strong area of magic: Divination
Weak area of magic: Transfiguration
House: Ravenclaw
Wand enchantment: Wood from the Tree of Life, Avendoraldera

Character's Name: Aries (U211604)
Strong area of magic: Transfiguration
Weak area of magic:Conjuration
Wand enchantment: Phoenix Feather

Character's Name: Myjo (U197760)
Strongest Area of Magic: Divination
2nd Strongest Area of Magic:Charms
Wand Enchantment:Unicorn Hair
School Pet:Cat

Character's Name: Ralph the Wonder Llama (U206198)
Strongest Area of Magic: Channeling
2nd Strongest Area of Magic:Potions
Wand Enchantment:Dragon's heartstrings
School Pet:Dragon

Character's Name: Larry Otter
Strongest Area of Magic: Divination
2nd Strongest Area of Magic: Alteration
House: Gryffindor
Wand Enchantment: Green Banana's
School Pet: Higgle the Lazy Bat

Character's Name: Chronos (U168959)
Strongest Area of Magic: Conjuration
2nd Strongest Area of Magic:Charms
Wand Enchantment:Lightning struck purpleheart
School Pet: a yellow fluffy cat

Character's Name: Elentari
Strongest Area of Magic: Transfiguration
2nd Strongest Area of Magic: Charms
House: Gryffindor
Wand Enchantment: Unicorn hair
School Pet: Owl

Character's Name: Jade Avarlothien of Lorien (U185933)
Strongest Area of Magic: Transfiguration
2nd Strongest Area of Magic: Zen and the Art of Broom Maitenence (flight)
Wand Enchantment: Veela hair
School Pet: A Spotted Barn-Owl named Firgonion

Character's Name: Captain Jedi Girl (U198984)
Strongest Area of Magic: Portions/Alchemy
2nd Strongest Area of Magic: Conjuration
House: Hufflepuff
Wand Enchantment:Unicorn Hair
School Pet:Dragon

Character's Name:Kiro Yukai (U226639)
Strongest Area of Magic: Channeling
2nd Strongest Area of Magic:Divination
Wand Enchantment: Hydra Fang
School Pet: Owl

Character's Name: Kleopatra (U226746)
Strongest Area of Magic: Potions/Alchemy
2nd Strongest Area of Magic: Charms
House: Hufflepuff
Wand Enchantment: unicorn tail-hair
School Pet: Mixxles, my talking Black Cat

Character's Name:Rinsewind
Strongest Area of Magic: ignoring it
2nd Strongest Area of Magic: running away from it
House: library
Wand Enchantment: sapient pearwood (and it is called 'the luggage')
School Pet: orangutan (but i won't say it to his face)

Character's Name: Killer Queen, but could I be known as Grizelda amongst the magical people???
Strongest Area of Magic: Charms
2nd Strongest Area of Magic: Potions
House: Ravenclaw
Wand Enchantment: Unicorn Hair
School Pet: black kitten

Character's Name: Persephone Perscitus
Strongest Area of Magic: Defense Against the Dark Arts
2nd Strongest Area of Magic: Charms
House: Raven Claw
Wand Enchantment: Unicorn Hair
School Pet: Falcon

Character's Name: Abiona
Strongest Area of Magic: Alteration
2nd Strongest Area of Magic: Potions/Alchemy
House: Slytherin
Wand Enchantment (what your wand gets its magic from Harry's was a Phoenix Feather): Raven feather
School Pet: Barn owl

Character's Name: Lupin
Strongest Area of Magic: Transfiguration
2nd Strongest Area of Magic: Defence against the Dark Arts
House: Gryffindor
Wand Enchantment (what your wand gets its magic from Harry's was a Phoenix Feather): Ash wood and Gryffin Feather
School Pet: Snowy Owl

Character's Name: Hussassan (U200779)
Strongest Area of Magick: Dark, preferably that which affects sanity
2nd Strongest Area of Magick: Summoning and Conjuration
House: Slytherin
Wand Enchantment: Does not use a wand, as the mind of Hussassan is a much more powerful catalyst
School Pet: Horror, a demon which causes insanity just by being looked at.

Character's Name: Arondale
Strongest Area of Magic: Necromancy
2nd Strongest Area of Magic: Conjuration
House: Raven Claw
Wand Enchantment: Red Dragon Talon
School Pet: Winged Monkey

Character's Name: Skullock (U202233)
Strongest Area of Magic: Conjuration
2nd Strongest Area of Magic:Transfiguration
House:Raven Claw
Wand Enchantment: Dragon scale
School Pet:

Character's Name: Marinas (U205719)
Strongest Area of Magic: Astronomy
2nd Strongest Area of Magic: Defense against the Dark Arts
House: Slytherin
Wand Enchantment (what your wand gets its magic from Harry's was a Phoenix Feather): Dragon Heartstring
School Pet: Great Horned Owl

Character's Name: Seth Sinda (U234497)
Strongest Area of Magic: Divination
2nd Strongest Area of Magic:Transfiguration
House:Raven Claw
Wand Enchantment:Dragon wisker
School Pet: Cat

Character's Name: Ronald Striker (U223834)
Strongest Area of Magic: Charms
2nd Strongest Area of Magic: Potions
House: Gryffindor
Wand Enchantment: A lock of my fathers hair
School Pet: none

Character's Name:Kreetch Kreetchius (U235217)
Strongest Area of Magic: Channeling
2nd Strongest Area of Magic:Conjuration
Wand Enchantment:centaurs eye lash
School Pet:Cat called Shuggy

Character's Name: Andi (U235671)
Strongest Area of Magic: Divination
2nd Strongest Area of Magic:Alteration
House: Raven Claw
Wand Enchantment: dragon's fang
School Pet: owl named hoot

Character's Name: Gemma Leigh (U216223)
Strongest Area of Magic: Transfiguration
2nd Strongest Area of Magic: Defence against the Dark Arts
House: Ravenclaw
Wand Enchantment: 10 1/2inches oak, phoenix feather
School Pet: Owl called Lavender

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