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There are alot of people who say "Make love not war".

Sure, why not, war may go away sometime when the whole poppulation of this planet comes to their senses and realise that there is no god. Neither theirs nore their enemys'.
But human beings have a strange longing to see other human beings suffer. It's true, believe me, I work at a fish-factory. If persone A is working next to persone B and persone B is doing something more fun then persone A then persone B is not afraid to rub it in persone A's face just to see the reaction. And he'll ceep dping it all day long to.
But here's the strange part. If persone C is doing something more fun then persones A and B then persones A and B will stick togeather against persone C but persone C will still rub it in their faces.
Sadly noone ever gets into a fight over these things. That would make persone d-z's day at least alittle more interresting.

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