My Life at Job Corps is a Living Heck!!!

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I am a Seventeen year old feamle at a Job Corps Center. I practically have no life. Sometimes this place feels like a Boot Camp, sometimes I feel so free and away from parents always telling me what to do. But these kids up here are 16 to 25 and I am only 17. I have to admit they act so immature. I act way older then all of them. The people up here they lie they steal from each other. I thought that this would be better thatn at home where I lived. But I had to come and see for myself. I've been up here for about 8 months, but I am abou to graduate.
I can't wait to get out of here this place is so crazy. My boyfriend broke up with me because someone decided to talk bad about me and lie on me so you know. He said "we can be friends still, right?" I just walked away. My life has gone down the drain at this Job Corps Center. trust me Job corps is not fun is educational but people are just like they are at home. With all of the talking about each other, but it;s worse up here.
Listen...Just don't drop out of school, okay. And then think "I'm going to Job Corps It's better there," because I'm telling you now, it's not. It is in no way at all fun.

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