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Last night i was feeling ill and so i decided to curl up in bed with a nice cup of tea and watch a film from my dvd collection. I needed something that would put a smile on my face so i chose Amelie.

Anyone who has watched this film before will appreciate how brilliant it is. If you haven't seen it then you really should.

The film is set in Paris and delves into the life of a girl called Amelie (Audrey Tautou) who seeks solace in solitude due to a strange upbringing involving a suicidal goldfish, home schooling and a mother with a nervouse twitch!

When Amelie has grown up and moved out, she happens to find an old box of childhood memories in her new apartment. She takes it upon herself to search for the boy (now a man) who put the box there and return it to him. She does and it makes him extremely happy as a result. This then inspires her to do something to improve the lives of all the people she knows.

This plan goes extremely well and she even manages to convince her father to travel the world by taking a gnome from his garden, giving it to her friend who is an air hostess and getting her to take pictures of it in various capital cities! A concept which i found extremely funny!

The main problem she has is finding happiness for herself and i'm not going to say whether she finds it or not as that will ruin the film!

This film is charming and apparenly got the approval of French Prime Minister Lionel Jospin and President Jacques Chirac when it was released! I've watched it a number of times now and i would advise anyone who hasn't seen it to go and buy a copy on dvd because it will make you smile.

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