Geelong - It's not a complete hole...really.

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I just ran a search under my home town in Victoria, Australia. I was not totally suprised to find that nobody else has written anything about it yet, but sentimentality makes me think that someone should, namely little old me.
Geelong is actually the second biggest city in Victoria, but most people I've met while travelling around Europe look at me as if I've told them I come from a small moon orbiting Neptune until I mention that It's an hours drive from Melbourne.
A certain well known travel guide of Australia has a listing for Geelong, which basically describes it as a place one must drive through if one wishes to get to the Great Ocean Road. Unfair, Unjust I say!! You don't have to drive through it, there are plenty of roads around it.
I never appreciated Geelong until I left. I live permanently in the U.K now (a whole other story), but I still yearn for a night out in the pubs and clubs I used to love.
So I'm writing this to set the record straight. If your driving from Melbourne through to the surf beaches of Australia's east coast, stop in Geelong to smell the shopping mall's. It may not have culture, style, or atmosphere, but I'm certain you won't forget yout visit.

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