The Hogwart's Journey

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The journey to Hogwarts starts as always with going to Diagon Alley, some use the Floo Network, others Apparate, and still others go through the back door from the Leaky Cauldron, but however one gets there, that's where it starts.

After getting to the Alley, one must of course get their money, at the only Wizarding back on Earth, Gringott's, after that, supplies must be purchased, adn fun had of course!

For the purposes of the creators (and the participants as well) we will forgo the wait of about a month between buying the supplies and getting to the train station, so that will be next of course, the Station at King's Cross contains Platform 9 and 3/4, but don't ask the muggles, they'll think you're mad, or at least slightly touched. When one finds that platform they find the train, the Hogwart's Express, all the fun and beauty of the Oriental version, with none of the death or confusion. This train will take the riders to Hogsmeade station

Hogsmeade is the only all wizard town left in England and it is a very fun place to be, but on the day of arrival, there's no time for that. The First Years will be gathered up by our Hagrid-esq Game Keeper/Key Master and will cross the river by boat. The others will travel to Hogwart's by carriage. After the 2nd-7th years have cituated themselves in the Grand Hall, the Sorting will begin (this will be less random, unless we don't get a good average between the houses, in which case it may have to be, or possibly a quota for each house will be suffecient).

After Sorting, the Headmaster will say a few words, fun will be had over dinner and dessert and after all the tummies are as full as can be (comfortably at least, we're not into the Spanish Water Torture in these parts, except for Filch of course, he loves it), then the general layout of the year will be explained, and fun will hopefully be had by all.

If you wish to make suggestions, it is much appreciated

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