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Sensitive readers - consider yourselves warned! I had been thinking of putting this into one of my journals, but way too many nice people seem to have subscribed to them - and this time it won't be nice at all - not nice at all!

PMS (aka PMT)

cramped up
sitting on the edge of my bed
rocking back and forth, back and forth

building up
in my mouth, forcing me to swallow
again and again, while the nausea is growing

to throw up
mentally as well as physically
at anybody, anything, everybody, everything

making the toilet look like
a scene from Slaughterhouse 5, before flushing

of washing
panties and sheets
not to mention trying to clean the mattress

Too little sleep
Restless, running to the toilet
all night long, fearing the tampon is leaking

Extremely touchy
Refraining from posting

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