dirt road etiquette
Created | Updated Sep 2, 2003
What image does a dirt road in the summer bring you? If you get a picture of a young couple walking hand in hand with a light breeze kicking the trees, you might be the one who threw dirt in their eyes five seconds later. There are approximately 4 million unpaved roads in the United States alone and a tiny fraction of Americans live on them. In ways other than substrate, dirt, gravel, green lane (the British equivalent), or other unpaved roads are different from paved roads and different etiquette must be used when driving on them. If you are planning on traveling a dirt road in the near future, here are a few guidelines that may keep you from having people throw rocks at that shiny new pickup truck.
Good dirt roads are hard-packed and without large quantities of loose gravel and sand covering the surface, but many of these rural roads are far from well kept. These roads are usually without speed limit signs, but driving at high speeds can lead to a number of difficulties.BEWARE OF PRIVATE DRIVES.
Don’t drive down any drive of someone you do not know or you may find someone waiting for you with a twelve-gauge (large shotgun). Also, when turning into these drives, try to stay to the middle to avoid crushing culverts.DO NOT LITTER.
You pack it in; you pack it out. Things like boards, cardboard boxes, and plastic bags are items commonly seen on roads, but dirt roads are often narrow and swerving to avoid debris is not an option.WATCH FOR LIVESTOCK AND WILD ANIMALS.
Wild animals such as deer, rabbits, and turkey can spring in the middle of your path with little warning, so it is best to be constantly scanning both sides of the road in anticipation. Livestock animals such as cows, sheep, and deer are often moved from one side of a road to the other without more than a few people on horses or ATV’s containing them. It is best to stop your vehicle and wait until they’ve crossed. If the animals are stationary in the road and not being moved, you should ease your vehicle very slowly towards the animals without honking as cows are often fed from the back of a truck and may think that you are simply the chow wagon.WATCH FOR PEDESTRIANS.
Occasionally, you will witness a person walking the roads, checking their mail, bringing in the trash, or some other mundane activity. People that live on country roads tend to be suspicious and will think you are up to trouble if they see a car that they do not recognize, so it is usually best, if they don’t seem threatening, to stop, explain what you’re doing on his or her road, wish them a good day, and be on your way. Another less obvious way of explaining your presence might be to ask directions even if you already know them. When you start to drive away, drive extremely slow to avoid throwing dirt and gravel into his or her face.DITCHES CAN BE DANGEROUS.
Ditches are a necessary evil on rural roads. They are not always properly maintained and can overflow and cause washouts in road. You should try and drive towards the middle of the road where loose gravel had been swept away by traffic and you aren't in any danger of "missing" the road. These ditches can also prove to be quite bothersome when your car ends up in one. When this happens and you can’t get in touch with the person you are going to see, walk to a house that you can see from the road and politely explain your problem and either ask if they can help you or if you can use their telephone.OTHER VEHICLES ALSO DRIVE THESE ROADS.
If you encounter a person coming toward you on an unpaved road, pull as far off of the road as you can without falling in a ditch and either stop or continue and a crawl. When there is a vehicle in front of you, it is advisable to keep a good distance away to avoid having rocks thrown onto your windshield or dust choking out your air conditioning.WET ROADS, PAVED AND UNPAVED, ARE MAJOR CAUSES OF ACCIDENTS.
Hydroplaning is a danger on any wet road, so take it slowly. Sand on the surface of the road can leave you skidding into ditches and mailboxes. Driving slow also prevents ruts from forming and causing problems later. Wet dirt roads can also wash out, resulting in a fast-running flood that hides the road or an unstable surface. You really shouldn't drive where you can’t see the road or it looks unsafe, but sometimes you are left with little or no choice so proceed with great caution.ATV’s CAN DESTROY A ROAD SURFACE.
All Terrain Vehicles (ATV’s) such as four-wheelers, dirt bikes, and mud tires can render a road impassable. Especially irritated inhabitants can go to the local courthouse and get an order to prohibit these vehicles from ruining “their” road. If you must cross an unpaved road in an ATV, avoid travelling at high speeds and spinning “donuts”.These few simple rules of etiquette can make your experience roaming dirt roads a much more pleasant experience to both you and its residents. Watching out for animals, pedestrians, and other cars will help you protect yourself, your family, and whoever and whatever happens to be in the road. Unpaved roads are different from paved roads and require different rules, and remember, you are NOT of the Dukes of Hazzard!