Marvin Turns To The Dark Side (CAC Edition)

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And they said computers were a good idea…

Chapter Five

“BEEP!” said the computer.
Marvin placed the computer in his hand. It was tiny, it was only 2mm big. He pressed a small, very small red button on it, it beeped yet again. Marvin looked down at it again.
“You better work! The Cyberleader was a waste of time, oh why did I have to give him the ability to think? Most of the Cybermen are just built to follow orders.” said Marvin at the small computer.
It beeped at him as if agreeing with him. Marvin clicked his fingers, a Cyberman walked in holding a human in it’s grip. The human squirmed in his grip.
Marvin consulted the human, “What is your name?”
“OUCH! Get off you stupid lump of metal!” shouted the male human. The Cyberman let go, surprised by the human’s force.
“Like I was saying, what is your name?” asked Marvin again.
The human wiped his trousers which were dusty (he’d just been dragged along the floor all the way here) he gave Marvin a surprised look as he said, “Are you Marvin the paranoid android?”
“OY! Who’s asking the questions here?” said Marvin.
“Sorry, but are you?” he asked.
“YES! I was hoping I wouldn’t have to do this but it appears I have no choice,” Marvin cleared his throat, “TELL ME YOUR NAME PITFULL ORGANISM!!!”
The human backed off slightly looking, to coin a phrase, bloody terrified, “Bob Hurley.”
“Come here.” said Marvin, his voice retuning to normal.
Bob was hesitant. Marvin reminded him, “Don’t make me go all Davros on you.”
Bob crawled over whimpering like a distressed dog.
Marvin patted him on the head, “Good boy!”
Bob frowned at him, “I’m not stupid.”
“Whatever you say. Now eat this.” said Marvin showing him the 2mm big computer.
“No.” said Bob.
“I don’t care for your opinion, because I am going to put it in our mouth whether you want me to or not.” said Marvin who promptly stuck the 2mm computer in Bob’s mouth and then forced him to swallow it.
Bob coughed for a second and then ad a convulsive fit on the floor. Marvin stood there inspecting his fingers waiting for the computer to work it’s magic. A few minutes later he stood up.
“Can you here me Bob?” asked Marvin.
“Computer says no...” said Bob.
“Well done computer, you know what you need to do. The Cyberman will show you out.” said Marvin.
The Cyberman showed Bob/Computer out.
Marvin laughed evilly as he did, “Mwhahahahahah!”

“So where are we going?” asked Rose again.
The Doctor shrugged, “Haven’t got a clue! Any suggestions?”
“No, I was rather hoping you’d take me to Barcelona like you promised twice.” said Rose.
The Doctor fiddled with the bandages on his head, “These are absolutely terrible you now that?!”
“I tried!” said Rose.
“Oh well, the blood has scabbed now so I can take them off now anyway.”
stated the Doctor ripping off his bandages.
Rose stared open-mouthed at the scabs. They were huge, black scabs that were about half the size of Rose’s hand. The scab at the front covered half of the front of his head and a bit of his eyebrow. The Doctor frowned at her.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“Look in a mirror.” said Rose.
The Doctor took her advice and looked at both sides of his heads, “Wow! Now those are the biggest scabs I’ve ever had!”
“You’re proud of them?!” asked Rose.
“No!” said the Doctor who then thought for a bit and announced, “How am I gonna cover these up?”
“I didn’t think you cared.” said Rose.
“I don’t but I don’t like people asking questions about how I got them. That annoys me… a lot.” said the Doctor.
“Whatever.” hissed Rose.
Suddenly, the TARDIS console beeped a purple light, the Doctor ran over to it. Rose looked at it, she guessed it was a distress signal. The Doctor flicked a few switches his eyes shining with his childish enthusiasm that Rose hadn’t seen for a while.
“Where’s it coming from?” asked Rose as she always did when there was a signal of some description.
The Doctor turned on the small monitor, “Oh no!”
“What’s wrong?” asked Rose.
The Doctor gave her an annoyed look, “It just so happens to be coming from the same time and era that I was exiled to Earth. How awfully convenient!”
Rose gave him a confused look, he answered her look by saying, “I was in my third incarnation. You know the one who was arguing with the short me.”
“Oh.” she whispered to herself.
The TARDIS materialised. The Doctor ran over to the door then cautiously opened the door. Rose ran to join him.
There was a shout from outside, “This is Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart. Put your hands up and walk out slowly. We have you surrounded.”
The Doctor obliged, he and Rose walked out with their hands on their heads.
“YOU!!” shouted the third Doctor, astonished.

Marvin started spinning on his chair. Rather like when you’re trying out new office chairs (the spinning ones) and you spin on them like a 5 year old child. Come on I know you do it! Everyone does! That’s why people get spinning chairs! To spin on them like children! I do.
Anyway, Marvin was spinning on his chair trying to come up with a back up plan to the ten back up plans he had already made. Every evil genius has back up plans, well most of them anyway. Of course last time Marvin had underestimated the Doctor and the Cyberleader and forgot to use it. This time he had eleven back up plans, including the one he had just created.
Marvin then got bored and started observing his plan.

The tenth Doctor waved nervously. Rose sidled behind the Doctor. The Brigadier sidled next to the third Doctor.
“Who are these people?” asked the Brigadier to the third Doctor.
“Well, the girl is a companion to him and he is me.” answered the third Doctor.
“Shall I let them go then?” asked the Brigadier.
“No I want to talk to them they may be able to help me.” said the third Doctor.
“But you have me!” moaned Jo Grant.
The third Doctor patted Jo in a whatever sort of way. He walked over to the tenth Doctor.
“What are you doing here?” asked the third Doctor offering a hand to the tenth.
The tenth Doctor took it, shook it and answered, “I got a distress signal.”
“Who sent it?” asked the third.
The tenth Doctor shrugged, “I take it you remember Rose?”
The third Doctor nodded, and shook hands with Rose, “Nice to see you again.”
Rose blushed, “Ta.”
The third Doctor, the tenth Doctor and Rose walked over to the Brigadier. They decided to leave the TARDIS where it was because if there were two in the same place they would confuse the Doctors.
The two Doctors and their companions got into Bessie.
The tenth Doctor was ecstatic when he saw Bessie, “BESSIE!! I haven’t seen her since I was in my third incarnation!”
The third Doctor coughed to remind him who was in his presence. The third Doctor offered him a once-in-his-current-life-opportunity.
“Do you want to drive Bessie?” asked the third Doctor, offering him the driver’s seat.
“Would I?!!” said the tenth Doctor ecstatically.
The tenth Doctor leapt into the driver’s seat. The third Doctor let Rose ride in the front with the tenth Doctor so he could sit in the back with Jo. He explained who the tenth Doctor and Rose were to Jo because she was very confused.

The Brigadier leapt into the front of the UNIT jeep with Sergeant Benton driving it.
“Honestly Benton, I’m telling you: all Doctor’s are the same.” announced the Brigadier loud enough so all the people in the back of the jeep could hear him.
They all laughed. Sergeant Benton asked, “All of them?”
“All of them. Some are a particular pain in the bum, but I won’t say which.” answered the Brigadier.
Sergeant Benton suppressed laughs as he started up the jeep.

Bob/Computer was having mental arguments with himself:
“NO!” shouted the computer.
“But I want to!” moaned Bob.
“No buts. Chocolate will ruin my circuits.” argued the computer.
“But it’s so tasty when it’s melted!” stated Bob.
“Shut up and go to sleep!” said the computer before putting itself on standby.

“Oh, so it’s the Green Death all over again.” said the tenth Doctor to the third Doctor in his laboratory at the UNIT headquarters.
Rose and Jo were sitting in the corner, next to the third Doctor’s TARDIS drinking tea and chatting about how the Doctor continually keeps you in the dark about what he knows until the very last possible second.
“With one subtle difference.” said the third Doctor.
“It’s not green it’s pink.” said the tenth Doctor shuddering at the thought of the colour of pink.
“And the whole plan is different. At least this time humans haven’t done it to themselves.” said the third.
“And they’re no maggots.” said the tenth.
The Brigadier walked in, “Worked it out yet Doctor?”
They both turned around. The Brigadier corrected himself, “I mean Doctors.”
They both nodded. The tenth explained, “We even worked out where the villain is.”
“See what happens when you have two Doctors in the same place?” continued the third.
“You usually start fighting.” said the Brigadier, Rose and Jo laughed loudly and after having two reprimanding looks shot at them they stopped.
“Anyway, like I was saying…” said the tenth.
“We don’t know who the villain is…” said the third.
“But we’re pretty sure it’s Marvin.” said the tenth.
“You two are a double act!” exclaimed the Brigadier.
Jo stood up, “Hang on, Marvin?”
“The ultimate evil throughout the universe.” said the tenth.
The third continued, “He’s an evil robot genius.”
“Like I said: a double act.” said the Brigadier.
“Shut up and get the trucks fired up.” said the third Doctor.
“Trucks.” said the third Doctor simply.

Bob/Computer held the rifle firmly in his grip. He was aiming from the roof of a Warehouse, the Doctors were onto him. So he had to… eradicate… them. The UNIT trucks and Bessie started approaching the Warehouse. He looked through the eyepiece. He was in luck, the two Doctors were sitting in the front of Bessie which was in front of the UNIT escort.
He aimed for the tenth Doctor. He aimed for the strongest heart, his right heart. His finger closed in on the trigger. He pulled the trigger. A small silver bullet shot across the empty space between Bob/Computer and the tenth Doctor’s chest.
The tenth Doctor felt a cold silver bullet speed through his chest. It embedded itself in his right heart. He breathed in hoarsely. The other Doctor stopped Bessie.
“Are you all right?!” asked his third self.
The tenth Doctor’s hearing faded and his vision blurred to blackness as he passed out.
Bob/Computer smiled at his work.

Chapter Six and the next half of the Marvin Turns To The Dark Side series coming soon

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