Spoof - A Drinking Game

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A great game, that can be dangerous for your pocketbook.

All players need 3 coins

At the beginning of the round, each player selects a number of coins, from 0 to 3, and holds them inside a closed fist on the table. The player elected to go first in the first round guesses how many coins in total are held by all players combined. ( The possible amount being somewher between zero if nobody has a coin in, to three times the number of players in the round ) Play progresses clockwise, with each player making their own guess, and once a number is taken, no one else can guess the same number. Once everyone has made a guess, the coins are revealed on the table, and counted. Whoever got the right guess is out, and the first personout of the game picks the drink for the game. If no one guesses correctly, another round starts, and the second player from the previous round starts the guessing. If someone did get the right amount, the next person in clockwise to the winner starts the next round. Play proceeds, with each successive winner sitting out with previous rounds winners, until just two people are in the final round against each other. When the final round is over, and one of them makes a correct guess at the number of coins between the two of them, the loser has to buy a round of the drinks picked by the first winner of the game for all players!
Then you start a new game, and the loser gets the first pick of the first round!

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