Talking Point: How do you Cope with Rubbish Presents?

3 Conversations

Paul Whitehouse of The Fast Show, laden with colourfully-wrapped presents. But will his friends be as happy with his choices as he clearly is?
Y'know, just once, I'd have been happy with socks. I like socks. What am I going to do with patio furniture in a fifth-floor maisonette?'

Christmas is full of expectations and hopes that are often cruelly shattered when Aunty Beryl gives you a present that makes you realise that she doesn't know you at all. It's those moments when you realise that your year-long hints for a Scrabble board fell on deaf ears that you wonder why you even bother with the whole, disappointing affair.

Well this year, we'd like you to tell us:

  • What's the worst or most inappropriate present you've received?

  • How do you receive a present with good grace when you know it's a bit rubbish?

  • What can you do if even your local charity shop refuses your donation of a singing plastic lobster?

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