Created | Updated Jul 2, 2003
There are dreams that came true, and then turned sour in my mouth through the actions of others, and I'm forced to stand by and live it. And still the dream tastes like a dream to me, as I dream it, and so I swallow the bile that I'm being fed. It bubbles up and over, and I can't stop it. And now I'm being judged on the bile that other people are forcing me to swallow. It's not my bile, it's theirs. But they won't take ownership of it now that it's been returned to them, and I stand in a puddle of bile, with nowhere to go, with a hurt heart, full, and still dreaming broken dreams, and my mouth is ashes.
My mind beats in time with my dreams, and if my dreams go, my mind goes with it. I'm dreaming my own life, and only death can wake me.