H2G2 - Darkness Falls: Underneath the Surface of H2G2

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Once there was a briliant community, a brilliant group of volunteers, a brilliant group of editors, and a brilliant website that was growing and growing. Now, the community is seperating, volunteers put themselves above others, the editors cannot be trusted, and the website is de-evloving into it's worst hour. Darkness is falling on h2g2, and it's time that someone went underneath the surface to find out the truth. That person, is now here.

Spook, not particularly popular with the editors, not particularly popular with members of the community, but someone who again and again has got involved in schemes, has battled against the editors, and has pushed against the de-evolution of h2g2 in a battle to save it from it's destruction, is that person.

This entry is a look at a number of different aspects of H2G2, and with each one, the truth is revealed, and the problems that not many people see are revealed.

Just remember, lies can be found everywhere you look, even in omething such as the House Rules:

"h2g2 is an incredibly friendly place, so please help to keep it that way."

If only this were true, if only...

Moderation Muck-up

It was recently reported to me by Tango that there was an incident involving moderation that, and I quote, that "make[s] the whole organisation look poorly run". Below is an exact quote from Tango of what occured:

1. I yikes an offensive post

2. Offensive post is removed by moderator

3. Offensive author reposts in different place (making it clear it was a repost)

4. I yikes repost

5. It is referred to editors

6. Editors reinstate post

7. I complain about inconsistancy in decisions

8. I'm told they have reinstated the 1st offensive post, and that is why the 2nd was allowed

9. I complain about them not telling me.

10. They send me an email with another email attached, the attached email being the one telling me it was reinstated, the email it was attached too explains they got the address wrong so i never got it.

Now, there are many problems with this. Firstly, the original offensive post being re-instated. If it is offensive, it should be hidden, as it breaks the House Rules, and should not be re-instated. It seems the editors corrected a moderators decision that was correct in the first place. The term "If it ain't broke don't fix it" seems to apply here.

Secondly, the second post not being moderated. If it is offensive then it should not be repeated and still breaks that House Rule. Don't the House Rules apply to posts anymore?

Thirdly, the fact that the e-mail was sent to the wrong address. This is totally unprofessional. This, above all else, is the worst part. There can be disagreements about moderation decisions with the editors of course having the final say, however, they should take more care in doing something like sending e-mails professionally.

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