On decision making

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Most often I'm quiet, with not much to contribute. Never in argument and happily ignored. I like it that way. But sometimes I speak. Something makes me do it. I astonish myself. There's neither plan nor forethought, just a bewildering rush of sudden idea and its out. No-one expects it, least of all me. They stop, they listen; hushed hard by their surprise. I see slow ripples of understanding spread through the room. Faces change. I redden under the stares of frank amazement and see the amused wonder in their eyes. They knew only confusion before the idea spoke itself but now the tangled loops of debate are falling away. Understanding blossoms, heads nod and there are even some smiles. I note a few quick sideways glances between the others with eyebrows silently asking "Well?". There's a wry grey nod or two and that's that. I can tell. This gladdens us all.

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