Celibacy - The answer to all your problems

2 Conversations

Do you have problems?
Well of course you do. And I have found the answer to them.
Celibacy as practiced by Monks the world over is where it's at.
99% of men's problems stem from the fact that they are invlovled with women. The obvious solution. Cut the women out of your life. You are then free to pursue your contemplative platonic existance in relative harmony, your only problems left will be to do with your Ying being out of harmony with your Yang, something which I wouldn't recommend, but on a scale of factors that will depress you, REM scoring a 10 and Women an 11, I think it probably checks in around 2 or 3.
Personally, of course, it would be impossible for me to commit myself to this life as I have 'research' to do within the confines of an existance that requires women. However, I do recommend it to everyone out there.

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