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The midlands regions of England on Earth are renowned for the BALTI HOUSES, this is a restaurant where having consumed a minimum of 8 pints of any alcohol beverage ( to numb the throat )you order a meal served in a steel bowl, the reason for the steel content of the receptical, is to prevent the contents from melting through any other substance, on to the table and causing extensive damage, and potential fire, if the BALTI comes into contact with any carbon based forms. Having consumed the BALTI, prefferably with an object that resembles an elephants ear, commonly known as a naan bread, you then have to start shouting loudly at any other persons in the restaurant. This could be partly due to the effects of the alcohol, or the pain experienced from consuming the BALTI. The morning after effects of this substance are well know for there fire breathing abilities, and it is advisable not to stand to close to any one who has consumed a BALTI the night before. The warning also extends to all regions of the person that are capable of emitting sound or substance. A delightful experience, highly recommended is the SANGAM restaurant in Stoke on Trent

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