The British Public are no longer the stiff upper lipped posh spiffing people the damn Americans believe us to be. We are now proud nations who drink more alcohol than any other nation to try and suppress the knowledge that we gave our empire back to everyone. Which is “a jolly poor show a what”- sorry. Guaranteed with the great British Public: If you place a icon on a British computer that says, “DO NOT CLICK HERE” it is guaranteed that the great British Public will click on it unless they are trying to prove that it is not guaranteed. Also if you stand by the side of a road and look down into a hole then, unless it would be dangerous to stop, someone from the great British public will pull over and asked you what you are looking at. Then someone else will pull over and ask you both of you the same question and so on. If you are the person who began this it can be quite amusing until the fist of the great British public come into contact with you. The National and Royal: The Great British public is proud of their Royal mail service, NHS and monarchs, even though they complain about it all and that the monarchs do not do anything apart from open things and spend money. A vote on “If I ruled the word” revealed that the top 3 things that the British public think the Queen keeps in her hand bag are: 1. Tax payers money 2. Tissues 3. A pair of scissors to cut opening ribbons with On the other hand the Queen Mother Rocks! She has had many hip operations, travelled in a golf cart and run the country and she is still going strong. GO QUEEN MOTHER GO! I wonder if she got a telegram from the Queen when she reaches/ed 100? What Great British Public… : Have for breakfast traditionally is a proper English Breakfast, a fry up. This consists of; Sausages Hashbrown Fried Bread Toast Fried tomato Fried Egg Bacon Etc… Traditional phone boxes look like a red tall box with the royal symbol on it, a little metal desk with a phone above it. This phone is usually to high for children under 12 to reach and sometimes vandalised. We are the Brits! We love our country! We love Isle of White thick chips not this French fry crap! We love our monarchs! We love our flag! We love our Big Ben! We love English Breakfasts! We love our independence! We love British Comedy! We are the Brits we love all that is British and beyond! Cheers! Thanks for Reading this report by Webb Of Smeg.
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