Which Angelare You? - A personality test

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Q1: What do you think of humans?
A) You are vaguely aware of some mortals running around.
B) Some of them should be protected.
C) Humans? Sorry, didn't notice. Bye.
D) Bipedal multicellular primates with medium civilization and intelligence, two eyes, two ears, one nose, two lungs, and four-chambered hearts.
E) Easy to kill beings who are sliding towards the Pit, but some are honourable.
F) Vessels to control for a while.
G) Beautiful beings to be protected at all costs. Aah, aren't they nice.

Q2: What is the ultimate evil?
A) Lying
B) Losing someone you're protecting
C) Immobility
D) Helping demons
E) Letting demons live. Oh, and dishonour.
F) Leaving a body in worse shape than you found it.
G) Killing a human.

Q3: Where is the best place to hang out on Earth?
A) The UN.
B) Next to someone you're protecting.
C) Nowhere, gotta keep moving!
D) Wherever you like.
E) A battlefield or weapons factory.
F) A human vessel.
G) Somewhere with a lot of humans.

Q4: A human lies about killing another. What is he/she guilty of?
A) Lying.
B) Killing a worthy human.
C) Remaining immobile long enough to kill a human.
D) Premature termintion of a life.
E) Murder of a good human, unless the victim was a bad guy, in which case there's no problem.
F) Leaving a person in worse shape than they were found in.
G) Murdering a beautiful human.

Q5: What is your greatest virtue?
A) Honesty
B) Determination
C) Action
D) Neutrality
E) Honour
F) Multi Tasking
G) Love

Q6: Is killing a human ever justified?
A) Yes
B) Not usually
C) Yes, if it's an accident. Woopsie.
D) One should decide ofr themself.
E) Yes, if they're a bad guy, anyone else is just collateral damage.
F) Not if you're inside them at the time.
G) No.

Q7: Whcih demons do you enoy taking out?
A) Those who lie
B) Those who stalk and kill
C) Those who destroy
D) Those who you are told to kill
E) All
F) Those who possess bodies
G) Those who steal souls

Q8: How would you deal with getting a drink from a soda machine?
A) Disdainfully ask another angel to handle the matter.
B) Watch a human using it to see how it works, find some mony, get a soda, and give it to someone who looks thirsty.
C) Smash the front, grab as many sofda as possible, and dash off into the sunset.
D) Recognize the machine for what it is, which is an extension of the marketing branch of the company it is made by, designed to suck money and soul from customers. Take it home and dismantle is at your leisure, marveling at the simplicity of design and complexity of purpose.
E) You find no redeeming qualities in carbonated beverages.
F) Get out the money... Hey, this guy's got some cool stuff in his pockets!
G) Get out the money, put it in the machine, press the button, and get a soda.

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