The Not 'Ere Regiment

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A bayonet

Welcome to the Not 'Ere regiment, of the Terranic Army. This is the place for those members who, for one reason or another, can no longer actively participate in the continued success of the Terranic Army - whether it be temporary or permanent. These members are however no less deserving of their position in the army, and so a page has been created to remember them. Here is the list of current occupants of the retirement home :


smiley - Field-Marshall Vercingetorix (retired)

Field-Marshall Vercingetorix, was originally known as General/Field-Marshall Terran smiley - . He was the creator of the army, and lead it through its early months, and through periods of good and bad (starting the 29th August 2002 - ending 21st June 2003). He instigated the regiment system, and with the aid of his fellow senior officers created the smiley system of ranking you see today.

He lead the fight against Owlatron and the Thundercats, when they invaded the Terranic Army in their evil quest to make General Terran their tea boy. The attack was repelled and we claimed victory. And hence forth the first battle became known as "The Tea Boy" wars.

However, when Terran was born again as Vercingetorix, the amount of time he could devote to the army became deminished. And so in order to keep the army alive, he gave up his command and handed it on to his second in command spook.
However Vercingetorix is not gone, forever. You may still see him around the base from time to time, reminicing about former glories.

smiley - Brigadeer Shoal Prexy (AWOL)

Shoal Prexy was one of the first members of the Terranic army, and helped it develop in to the army it is today. He was a major part of the "Tea Boy Wars" mentioned above. He gave us the motto we use on the front page. He owned the third Terranic regiment "The Towel Regiment" (since taken out of service), and until external events took him further away from his duties (poor internet connection, and work), he was one of the best soldiers the army ever had. Where ever he is we wish him the best.

smiley - Brigadeer Mystrunner (on Leave)

Mystrunner owned the fourth ever Terranic Regiment - "The Nightblade Regiment" (since taken out of service). He joined during the early days of the alliance between the H2G2 Knights - of which he was the leader. Ever enthusiastic, he always does his best for the army when called upon.

smiley - Lieutenant CYBERHUMAN (out with injury)

This young officer shone brightly, but only for a short while. He was always enthusiastic, and generally well disciplined.
Unfortunately though injury he has been forced to stay away from the army. We wish him the best of luck with his recovery smiley -

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