A Conversation for Britain After WWII

Safety and security

Post 1

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

We didn't used to lock our back door. The front door was a Yale lock, so was automatically closed, but we had no fear of crime. Mind you, we didn't have much worth stealing.

Policemen were better respected and you could ask them what time it was.

The streets were cleaned more frequently than these days, and I think that caring for public spaces better was a deterrent against crime.

There was still a community spirit feeling about our neighbourhood and we knew all our neighbours. That, plus many people not working meant there were lots of people around to notice if something wasn't right.

Parents and adults in general were more respected and children were more polite. Children's high spirits were also tolerated and having the run of the neighbourhood when playing out meant that children's energy was usually used productively, so we went to bed tired.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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