A Conversation for Britain After WWII

Before my time

Post 1

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

Although this is before my time I don't mind researching it alongside others.

Before my time

Post 2

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

• Women in the workplace after world war 2

• Women would continue to work if it was a financial necessity

• As a nation we believe people should pay their way in the world

• Women should be seen as equal to men

• Above all a womans role in life is to make babies and tend to the house

• Many women will have learnt new skills in the workplace so would be useful to keep

• Women are believed to work for less than men

• Where there are jobs that need filling women should be brought in if no men can be found

• As long as the home and children are taken care of then women can work

Women usually work as it is an economic necessity

Fourteen years of food rationing in Britain ended at midnight on 4 July 1954, when restrictions on the sale and purchase of meat and bacon were lifted.



Bill Haley and the Comets – gave us rock n roll in the form of rock around the clock

Elvis and motown came in later to sweep the nation off their feet


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